After watching the last day of this year’s Convention program, a thought occurred to me once more, so I thought I might throw this out to all of you.
For over 100 years the WT Society has taught that Christ Millennial Reign began in 1914 C.E.
However, when one reads Revelation 19:19-21 which clearly speaking about the war of Armageddon, and then considers Revelation 20:1-3, it states clearly that ‘an angel’ (identified as Jesus Christ) will ‘hurl (the Devil) into the a... moreYOUR THOUGHTS PLEASE...
After watching the last day of this year’s Convention program, a thought occurred to me once more, so I thought I might throw this out to all of you.
For over 100 years the WT Society has taught that Christ Millennial Reign began in 1914 C.E.
However, when one reads Revelation 19:19-21 which clearly speaking about the war of Armageddon, and then considers Revelation 20:1-3, it states clearly that ‘an angel’ (identified as Jesus Christ) will ‘hurl (the Devil) into the abyss’ where Satan will be ‘bound for 1,000 years’.
We KNOW though, that Satan is currently ruling this world and has definitely not yet been thrown into the abyss, so this begs one to ask…
Would this not be the actual beginning of Christ Millennial Reign since the period is 1,000 years?
If 1914 C.E. is significant, could it be that this was simply when the war in heaven began and is it possible that Christ and his angels have spent the past 110 years cleansing the heavens of Satan and his demons?
And, if this is the case, could this be the reason conditions have been exponentially worsening since 1914 C.E.?
AdminI personally think the whole 1914 war was derived by satan as a tool to mislead Gods people. I remember the first or second edition of the Golden Dawn, covered an Astrological prediction, the organisation though totally against Astrology, were very interested in what it had to say about the year 1914, knowing it was based upon a lot of esoteric wording and a promise of change during this coming new age after 1914. Yet the org decades later fell for the bait hook line and sinker using that date t... moreI personally think the whole 1914 war was derived by satan as a tool to mislead Gods people. I remember the first or second edition of the Golden Dawn, covered an Astrological prediction, the organisation though totally against Astrology, were very interested in what it had to say about the year 1914, knowing it was based upon a lot of esoteric wording and a promise of change during this coming new age after 1914. Yet the org decades later fell for the bait hook line and sinker using that date themselves.
I believe this is part of the coming delusion, as everything hangs upon this date. All they have done is try to manipulate it, with lie after lie to make it fit. While the number of anointed year after year continues to rise rather than decline.
Quentin LedfordMuch of what he said a lot of us are familiar with and although he makes a number of valid points, there are though some things which he is not entirely accurate about.
Prior to 1964, it was governmental policy throughout much of the United States for audiences to be segregated. In fact, I remember one assembly in the 1960s where riots occurred outside the facility in Baltimore and one brother was killed because the affair was not segregated.
It is also not entirely fair to judge the past fro... moreMuch of what he said a lot of us are familiar with and although he makes a number of valid points, there are though some things which he is not entirely accurate about.
Prior to 1964, it was governmental policy throughout much of the United States for audiences to be segregated. In fact, I remember one assembly in the 1960s where riots occurred outside the facility in Baltimore and one brother was killed because the affair was not segregated.
It is also not entirely fair to judge the past from the eyes of the present. After all, what one society finds vile another entirely embraces.
QUESTION: How would the peoples of the past judge the society of today?
Todays study material was superior to many others. The account of Gideon is one that everyone would do well to seriously reflect upon.
I do find though, that individuals often choose to see...
Ruth Underwood
They will deny it up until the tribulation because they have blood on there hands so sad that they trusted the GB in this matter
They are not following Jehovahs rules but man's, they know what they have done only a blind man can't see this
READ THIS…Why did God create evil? The answer struck me to the core of my soul!A professor at the university asked his students the following question:- Everything that exists was created by...
Truly fox
Makes sense the earth was dark before God intervened, and would have been cold until the sun was created by him
Genesis 1:2
Now the earth was formless and desolate, and there was darkness upon the surface of the watery deep, and God’s active force was moving about over the surface of the waters.
Evil is described as being in (darkness) and being (cold) hearted .. or without the light of God.
Does the word evil come from eves name ..that is everyone is ill from the effects of eve (eve-ill) ?
Recently, Brother Gerrit Lösch spoke on whom we should 'trust' and 'obey'.
Interestingly, the scripture Bro. Lösch highlighted was Hebrews 13:17, and yes, we've heard this scripture quoted...
AdminPsalm 146:3
“DO NOT put your TRUST in princes Nor in a son of man, who cannot bring salvation”
Acts 5:31
God exalted this one as Chief Agent and Savior to his right hand, to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins. 32 And we are witnesses of these matters, and so is the holy spirit, which God has given to those OBEYING HIM as ruler.”
And Susan Ann’s link on our Facebook group was excellent, a real eye opener. Thank you brother for bringing this to our attention.
This is from the 2001... morePsalm 146:3
“DO NOT put your TRUST in princes Nor in a son of man, who cannot bring salvation”
Acts 5:31
God exalted this one as Chief Agent and Savior to his right hand, to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins. 32 And we are witnesses of these matters, and so is the holy spirit, which God has given to those OBEYING HIM as ruler.”
And Susan Ann’s link on our Facebook group was excellent, a real eye opener. Thank you brother for bringing this to our attention.
This is from the 2001 Translation.
17Also, have confidence in your shepherds,[Syr] and listen to them – because they’re watching over your lives like a man who has to give an explanation [to his superior]! May they do this with joy, and not with groaning, because that wouldn’t be better for you.
Here is an explanation as to why they translate the above…
T-MOBILE just announced that they are monitoring your phone and text messages for 'content' and will fine ANYONE up to $2,000 for anything THEY deem (since their 'rules' are quite ambiguous one can only understand this as being for 'whatever reason' whatsoever) has violated their rules.
EVERYONE who values their freedom of speech should cancel whatever services they are receiving from T-Mobile immediately !!! moreT's HAPPENING...
T-MOBILE just announced that they are monitoring your phone and text messages for 'content' and will fine ANYONE up to $2,000 for anything THEY deem (since their 'rules' are quite ambiguous one can only understand this as being for 'whatever reason' whatsoever) has violated their rules.
EVERYONE who values their freedom of speech should cancel whatever services they are receiving from T-Mobile immediately !!!
IF one in authority says they are “in the truth”,
yet in their own self-righteousness such authority chooses to act as party in punishing...
We’ve often read these words found at Revelation 18:23-24 regarding the fall of Babylon the Great…
“Your traveling merchants were the top-ranking men of the earth, for...
Susan Adams
Very interesting too is the decision by WT to alter the NWT back in 2013 so that the word Pharmakia no longer appears in the footnote of Gal 5:20 or Rev 21:8 🤨
I just finished attending our circuit assembly.
Although the theme was patiently waiting on Jehovah, again it was stressed that we should follow directions.
However, the Bethel Circuit Overseer, Brother Jonathan Saxon, did bring out that the United Nations would be the one turning on the Harlot. Given the Society's involvement with the U.N. and its agendas, I was a bit surprised that this was being brought out at this time.
Well a sister told me today that the FDS get their health information from the WHO, they fail to see the connection with the UN and some how don’t seem to mind where their direction comes from as long as it keeps them in good standing with the authorities.