IN A WORLD OF LIES.. What Does the Evidence Really Indicate?

Over the years, in my thirst for knowledge and understanding, I have increasingly found myself questioning everything we've been taught and have learned from the secular sources of this world.  
In recent years too, I have even began questioning the organization.
My conclusion is this, the entire world floats on seas of lies.  Sometimes there is some truth in the lies we are taught; otherwise, they would not be at all plausible.
I have seen too, how this world will take people who are murderous thugs and portray them as saints, and will vilify anyone who dares to question 'official' narratives. 
More than ever, when someone goes to extraordinary measures to shed the unbiased light of truth by revealing the existing evidence providing the facts on matters, I have learned to appreciate such individuals.
One such person is Mike King.  Once a best selling author on Amazon, his works are now banned.  He provides historical evidence, much of it 'declassified' by governments in recent years, asks logical questions and allows his readers to draw their own conclusions.
For this reason, I am sharing the following links as it is imperative that everyone realize that what we are seeing now is merely Satan's replay of his previous performances.  It is as Solomon wrote at Ecclesiastes 1:9...
"What has been is what will be, and what has been done will be done again; There is nothing new under the sun!"
Mike King interview with John B. Wells...
Posted in Default Category on March 17 2023 at 06:16 PM

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