The U.S. State of Indiana VAERS Reports mRNA Injection Deaths of 165 and Severe Disabilities of 277 Individuals

Too many people here in the U.S. rely on the establishment media for news and information.  Relatively few of these people (most sadly, the GB included) ever consider the fact that pharmaceutical company advertising comprises at least 25% of the entire average revenue these media sources realize.
If one were to ask U.S. physicians how many times a patient asks for one of the dozens of medications advertised the answer is never, or maybe once.  So why do drug companies in the U.S. advertise?
Well, let's start with another question.  What company wants to alienate their best customer?  
Yes, you guessed it... Drug companies buy so much advertising for CONTROL !!!  Effectively, these own the media and control their message.
However, the truth, especially a crime of this magnitude, cannot be contained indefinitely.  Increasingly, the public is realizing the bitter reality of truth.  Here are a couple of reports everyone should be aware of...
Posted in Default Category on January 05 2023 at 11:16 PM

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