MAKING SURE of ALL THINGS... BABYLON - Events, Reports, and Understandings


Recent events have compelled me to think about the fall of ancient Babylon and the circumstances.

Obviously too, we have the prophecies of the modern  ‘Babylon the Great’.  We have long been taught that ‘Babylon the Great’ is symbolic of all false religion.

Although it is true that Babylon was an unbelievably poly-theistic region, what was it really? 

Babylon was the most powerful, most dominant world power of its time. 

Has this though, ever been considered in the context of understanding provided us regarding the prophecy of ‘Babylon the Great’?


Some food for thought…

When ancient Babylon fell, the powers ruling the city were literally ‘drunk’, and its adversaries were able to enter without any sort of battle whatsoever, as we would say practically ‘without firing a shot’.  Literally, the Medes and the Persians just marched in, took over the city, and totally destroyed it.

Here’s what is happening…

Until recently, without question, just as did Babylon in its time, no power has held such dominion and power over this world quite like the United States. 


All reports and evidence are clear that those leading the United States (as well as its paramours), are similarly ‘inebriated’ with their own hubris and power.  These walk about in their drunken stupor doing as they please without any concern for well-being of their peoples whatsoever, seeking to destroy everything that is good.   At every level we now find that 'lawlessness' is being rewarded and righteousness is being ridiculed with those standing firm for virtue and integrity literally being penalized.

Could it be that the 'Man of Lawlessness' has now arrived?


Consider These Events and Reports…

Anyone honestly observing the elections here in the United States knows that something was seriously amiss with its integrity.  In fact, following the presidential election in 2020, the person who became the face of power for the United States braggadociously made this statement on October 24th, 2020, just prior to the election…

"We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”!

Since the time of this most recent restructuring of U.S. power, those governing have literally lowered all U.S. defenses.

  • These have literally devasted the health and well-being its soldiers with mRNA injections, significantly reducing the ranks.
  • Replaced its most respected, effective, and experienced leaders who’ve sworn to defend the United States with individuals who were not only not required to take any sort of the traditional oath required for their posts, but whose chief objectives apparently consists of proving themselves to be feckless, sexual deviants, who not only are seeking solely their own advantage, but choose to satisfy themselves especially by engaging with alliances who have long been considered competitors and adversaries of the United States. Although, this has largely been the case among those wielding the seats of power in the United States, never have these been so unabashedly brazen in these actions.
  • The U.S. has completely opened its borders, even setting up ‘rest camps’ from the Darian Gap all the way to the northern most border of Mexico, and providing them clean up facilities, clean and fresh clothing, and providing them air-conditioned transportation for all such illegal migrants along the entire way and into the United States. (Facts which are largely ignored or deliberately misreported by the State controlled media here in the U.S.).

In addition, a number of churches (most especially the Catholic church with the full support of its Pope) too, are engaged in the pursuit of migrating these people into the United States.

Who are these people migrating into the United States.  We are told by first-hand witnesses in the various areas and U.S. border patrol agents that 75% the people illegally entering the U.S. from the south are not even from the Americas.  A significant number of these are men from Asia In their teens to early thirties, as well as many from a number of Middle Eastern and African nations.  In addition, some too, are young men from Russia avoiding their draft into the Ukrainian war.

In addition to these, there are also many who are members the M-13 and other gangs along with their victims of human trafficking.  Recently, it was reported that an 8-year-old girl arrived at the U.S. border is such shock she is beyond speech.  A medical exam revealed that she had traces of DNA from 67 different men inside her.

This is only one of thousands of horrendous atrocities reported.  Again, the State controlled U.S. media largely ignores all these reports.


Many of these people too, are very ill, reportedly suffering from Yellow Fever, Malaria, Dengue Fever, Smallpox, Poliomyelitis, Measles, Rubella, Diphtheria, Tuberculosis, and Typhoid among others which have been eradicated from the United States.  However, none of these people are being tested or quarantined for any of these conditions.

Upon reflected on facts that the position of ancient Babylon and its fall are in so many ways like what we see the United States experiencing today, perhaps we might consider the possibility that the United States may be, in actuality, the modern ‘Babylon the Great’ committing adultery with both the kings and the religions around the world. 

Here’s another facet to consider.  The United States, with its world reserve currency status, has at the center of world commerce with virtually every major ‘merchant’ around the world being tied to the U.S. in one way or another.  “Would it not make sense that these would indeed be ‘wailing’ at its demise.

Other facts too, come to mind.  I find Revelation chapter 17 rife with many things, that in the light of current events, has compelled me to question what has generally been taught.  It speaks of the ‘woman being arrayed in purple’ signifying rulership or power.  Yes, the U.S. has been in bed with all the kings of this earth.  It is also undeniable, that the international players behind the scenes are all responsible for the evil known as communism , which is merely a ‘rebranding’, if you will, of the ‘feudalism’ of the middle-ages, a period which was dominated by the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, and a number of other horrors resulting in the deaths of countless individuals who feared God and sought to do his will.

I find these thoughts very disturbing, but I cannot ignore the evidence either.  It is most upsetting that the GB too perhaps has, with its  confirmed history of United Nations involvement and its ‘alleged’ acceptance of CARES ACT funds made available to it for promoting the deadly mRNA injections.  Injections which, have been proven to alter one’s blood and one’s DNA, and which my conscience tells me violate the very sanctity of blood.

The viewpoints I am sharing are merely based my own based upon my personal thoughts and observations.  I too, am but a humble servant of our Great God Jehovah, and am as imperfect and flawed as anyone.  My goal is to improve my own understanding, and to grow in wisdom to the greatest extent our Grand Creator will allow.  If my thought processes are incorrect and/or my assertations flawed, please provide me whatever scriptural basis exists for correction that I may perhaps continue growing in wisdom and understanding.  

Posted in Default Category on April 30 2023 at 12:43 AM

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  • Quentin Ledford