Frances GreistMany are in denial. The fact that they succumbed to the fake pressure and will now face the death sentence themselves for their error, is all too much, so they will deny its even happening.
Besides members of this awesome group, I have only one friend who stood firm, the rest caved in to the pressure and have become unresponsive. So much for heeding the warnings of Jehovah and Jesus as to the snares of the bird catcher! Even the elders whom we told what was going on regarding the infant blood i... moreMany are in denial. The fact that they succumbed to the fake pressure and will now face the death sentence themselves for their error, is all too much, so they will deny its even happening.
Besides members of this awesome group, I have only one friend who stood firm, the rest caved in to the pressure and have become unresponsive. So much for heeding the warnings of Jehovah and Jesus as to the snares of the bird catcher! Even the elders whom we told what was going on regarding the infant blood in the vaccine and ties to the U.N. have not reached out to us to draw us back into the honeypot. They know we are right. My friend however, who never said anything to them about her stand, is still being texted and left voice mails inviting her back to roll in the mire with them. Not only do these men continue to listen to the evil slave, they willingly open the paint buckets and whitewash the walls, and in the process, they whitewash themselves. There are none so blind as those who do not want to see! Blind guides they have become.
Jennifer Walls
I wish it did contain blood fragments then we could have religious exemption. As it is my objection to the vaccine is for medical reasons. It's just not safe or effective but people who take it are only guilty of ignorance not sin. Eating lead paint isn't good for you either but it's not a sin to do it.
Quentin LedfordThis is absolutely infuriating! Moreover, they really DON'T KNOW what are in these injections. The organization has NO business promoting this garbage. It is not even remotely related to our purpose.
We do know though, from those who have had these injectables analyzed that they do contain a lot of very unsavory and dangerous stuff.
Until this entire scamdemic ordeal, I wasn't particularly anti-vax.
However, knowing what we do now, there is NO way I would subject myself, or even my worst ... moreThis is absolutely infuriating! Moreover, they really DON'T KNOW what are in these injections. The organization has NO business promoting this garbage. It is not even remotely related to our purpose.
We do know though, from those who have had these injectables analyzed that they do contain a lot of very unsavory and dangerous stuff.
Until this entire scamdemic ordeal, I wasn't particularly anti-vax.
However, knowing what we do now, there is NO way I would subject myself, or even my worst enemy, with these death dealing poisons.
Moreover, ANY parent who allows their children to be vaccinated today is completely irresponsible and unknowingly cruel, acting solely out of the irrational phobia of pharmaceutical industry induced terror!!!
It won’t make sense if the second part of the verse is included.
The first part can be understood as using the right words at the right time to encourage others, and this I think is the focus of the paragraph. Though there are many other verses which have the same message.
I would like to know about Revelation 1:- 1 A revelation by Jesus Christ, which God gave him, to show his slaves the things that must shortly take place. And he sent his angel and presented it in signs through him to his slave John,
These might make me confused because of four persons or three persons???????
He send his angel ???? ( Could that be Jehovah send Jesus angel??? 🤔🤔🤔
This is HOUR of JUDGEMENTS for brothers and sisters.
Revelation 14:- 7 He was saying in a loud voice: “Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of judgment by him has arrived, so worship the One who made the heaven and the earth and the sea and the springs of water.”
Hello, again I am here about 1914. GB said that Jesus became King in 1914. But Robert said that Jesus is very close to that door to become King anytime as no one knows when Armageddon to come.
There is one thing in my mind about that Satan and his demons had been thrown out of Heaven in 1914 or 1918 ????? Who threw them out of heaven Jesus?
Something very interesting about this photo maybe this or not.
WHO declare about COVID PANDEMIC ON 11th March 2020 until 11th September 2023. That's 42 months .
At Revelation 13:- that said giving Power to Satan for 42 months. Sound like on 911. World Trade Center. 🤔🫣🙄🤪
Sunday 23rd April from 2-4pm, just in case.
They are doing the alarm thing on Sunday yes.
There are 97.23 million mobile connections in the UK,
85.01m active mobile devices and 12.22m connected things.
98% of the adult population have a mobile phone, making 1.37 active connections per head of population.
Now imagine all them going off at once all at the sane time and you have an ideal opportunity to harm a lot of people without it bein... moreNATIONWIDE ALARM
Sunday 23rd April from 2-4pm, just in case.
They are doing the alarm thing on Sunday yes.
There are 97.23 million mobile connections in the UK,
85.01m active mobile devices and 12.22m connected things.
98% of the adult population have a mobile phone, making 1.37 active connections per head of population.
Now imagine all them going off at once all at the sane time and you have an ideal opportunity to harm a lot of people without it being obvious by swithing up the 5g frequency.
Now they will have to send a massive boosted frequency and 5g wave across the Uk at the exact same time to reach every phone.
Now trust me now when I say turn them off before 3pm on that day .
That frequency or wave will be extremely high for it to happen at the exact same time and extremely damaging to your brain.
They are not testing the alarm they are testing the magnitude of the frequency and the impact of the wave on us. We are all guinea pigs
It goes without saying that you need to disable your phone from even receiving this signal.
How do you do this?
On most smart phones
Go to settings - notifications - advanced settings- wireless emergency alerts - switch off alerts.
Switch off All phones
Switch off and unplug wireless networks. Ie broadband
Switch off anything that can receive a wireless signal in your home and unplug it. All unnecessary electrical equipment must be switched off.
Get out of the house but trust me stay away from large crowds like pubs, cinemas, restaurants shops.
What you will witness will not be a natural occurrence . It will be man made.
I have it on very sound advice that we must stay away as far away from other people as possible. Go to moors, woodland etc woodland is good as the trees will protect you from the wave.
Natural-not good.