Susan AdamsHow much more will the awake ones tolerate this religion….”quit touching the unclean thing” 2 Cor 6:16And how can a holy dwelling of God [make room for] idols?Recognize this as a fact:We are the living and holy dwellings of God!As God Himself said:‘I’ll live and walk among them… I’ll be their God and they’ll be My people.’ [Leviticus 26:12]17[And:]‘‘Come out from among them and separate yourselves…Stop touching unclean things, and I’ll take you in,’ says Jehovah.’... moreHow much more will the awake ones tolerate this religion….”quit touching the unclean thing”
2 Cor 6:
16And how can a holy dwelling of God [make room for] idols?
Recognize this as a fact:
We are the living and holy dwellings of God!
As God Himself said:
‘I’ll live and walk among them… I’ll be their God and they’ll be My people.’ [Leviticus 26:12]
‘‘Come out from among them and separate yourselves…
Stop touching unclean things, and I’ll take you in,’ says Jehovah.’
[Isaiah 52:11]
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