Hey y’all. New to the group. Just wondered if there’s anyone well researched in the group over the possibility of Satan ruling over the earth for 3 1/2 years prior to Jesus rulership being installed. And his rule being one that would sure make you think he was The Christ or an alien with all the answers.
AdminIt's hard to keep this simple but from what I have worked out parts of Daniel and Revelation are referring to the same time frame, which also ties in with Jesus "three and a half" year mission while Jesus was on the earth, when he kept in force a covenant ceasing all sacrifice as he had become the new covenant and would be cut off in death, until after Jerusalem has been trampled on and dispersed by the nations which Luke 21:4 "until the appointed times of the nations are fulfilled" also confirm... moreIt's hard to keep this simple but from what I have worked out parts of Daniel and Revelation are referring to the same time frame, which also ties in with Jesus "three and a half" year mission while Jesus was on the earth, when he kept in force a covenant ceasing all sacrifice as he had become the new covenant and would be cut off in death, until after Jerusalem has been trampled on and dispersed by the nations which Luke 21:4 "until the appointed times of the nations are fulfilled" also confirmed in Daniel 9:26 the destruction of the city & Holy place Jerusalem there will be no end.
There's been a first temple, a second temple and there is the third temple spiritual "symbolic temple" Jehovah's organisation which Christ "inspects" upon his return. I'm not sure whether the temple represents the heavenly part and the court yard is the earthly part, maybe someone can confirm this for me.
Revelation 11 is the measuring of that temple verse 2 says to not measure the "court yard" as it has been given to the nations and they will trample the City underfoot for 42 months, which is 1,260 days also three and a half years.
Also during this time as it says in verse 3, I will cause my "two witnesses" to prophesy for 1,260 days they'll be given authority over the elements and to prophesy during these three and half years just as Jesus did and will be killed and rise up on the third day also after laying dead three days.
Something stood out to me when reading about the court yard, it reminded me of when we first heard about the vaccines being distributed in the carpark of Jehovah's dedicated grounds, how many of us said isn't that a disgusting thing.
From what I can see the 1,260 days, the 42 months and 3 and half years is all the same time period from inspection, prophesying, judgement and tribulation which is shortly about to begin.
Because we know this as it says in Revelation 10 before all of this happens,
"But in the days when the seventh angel is about to blow his trumpet the sacred secret that God declared as good news to his own slaves and prophets is indeed brought to a finish" The final witnessing work and prophesying will end with the death of these two witnesses, which the Watchtower says happened over 100 years ago yet the work has been on going ever since, showing that this is future fulfilment and a failed prophesy on their part.
In Revelation 12:6
"And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared for her by God where they would feed her 1,260 days" Revelation 12:14 also says she was fed a time and times and half a time away from the face of the serpent, again this is three and a half years.
During this time is when Michael the great prince stands up as recorded in Daniel 12:1
"And there will occur a time of distress such as has not occured since there came to be a nation until that time.
Again we see this same time frame in Revelation 12:7 after the woman has fled into the wilderness for 1,260 days. And war broke out in the heaven Michael and his Angels battled with dragon and the dragon and it's angels battled.
Again in Revelation 13 we see the mention of the wild beast given authority to act 42 months, also the same as the three and a half years.
Where literally all hell on earth breaks loose with such mass demonic deception with those not falling for the lie being lead into captivity or possible death.
Revelation 13:13 says it performs great signs and wonders, this tends to also tie in with the hour of test mass delusion in 2 Thessalonians 2, where great signs and wonders are also performed to mislead the chosen ones.
Well looking at my findings, it seems that satan is yet to be hurled down, no wonder why things are getting so bad, it's like their preparing for his arrival.
People will definitely be deceived the world is being prepared, where false prophets and antichrist figures will work lying signs and wonders and the saddest thing of all our brothers have also been totally decieved, believing all these things have practically been fulfilled, when infact they've hardly just begun. I'm not saying I'm totally accurate please double check the scriptures, but timelines around the 1,260 days, 42 months equate to a three and a half year time frame from measuring the temple, to ousting of Satan the two witnesses and 144,000 on mount Zion in Revelation 14 ready for judgement upon the nations.
Also whether a short cry of peace and security is in the midst of it is yet to be seen.