At the 2022 Commonwealth Games, their satanic opening ceremony was an allegorical depiction of the FINAL "image of the wild beast" & "mark of the wild beast"…
Note the blatantly MECHANIZED NATURE of the (neo-Ba'al bull idol) as "the IMAGE of the wild beast" (i.e. an👉AI🤖‘spirit/PNEÚMA given it that it should even speak’)→The exploding star (which showers it's glowing crystal shards/marks) could represent that (demonically-inspired) Singularity-spirit conception/‘birth’ event at Rev.13:15?⁉️
... moreAt the 2022 Commonwealth Games, their satanic opening ceremony was an allegorical depiction of the FINAL "image of the wild beast" & "mark of the wild beast"…
Note the blatantly MECHANIZED NATURE of the (neo-Ba'al bull idol) as "the IMAGE of the wild beast" (i.e. an👉AI🤖‘spirit/PNEÚMA given it that it should even speak’)→The exploding star (which showers it's glowing crystal shards/marks) could represent that (demonically-inspired) Singularity-spirit conception/‘birth’ event at Rev.13:15?⁉️
(See Greek Kingdom Interlinear!★)
The glowing crystal shards that the women are each holding could represent the MARK of the beast, signifying linkage/connection/ONENESS with & ownership by the beast, & their floating UP in the air to migrate to the beast could signify being UPgraded as TRANSHUMANS, remade ‘INTO the image of the beast’⚠️—(which "IMAGE" would likely be portrayed as if female★, as if ‘the last Eve’, i.e. biodigital "mother Trans-nature" AI / artificially-enhanced super-intelligence)*
Their homes floating up with them may represent the coming new ‘elevated’ biodigital I.o.T. total-integration with one's home/world.
The symbolism of the woman riding atop the beast, & the ziggurat tower of Babel are also blatantly significant.
Also please note that most likely Nebuchadnezzar's
👉ENTIRE CONGLOMERATE↔️metalic dream-image/idol/statue itself (of Daniel 2:35 ALL "together" represents the FINAL Babylonian (‘Nimrodian’/‘Chaldean’) "8th king" (7-headed wild beast➡️7kings↔️Rev.17:9-11; like the WHOLE metallic statue, it's the epitome of 6000+years self-rule opposed to YHWH) on which the harlot ("mystery Babylon": 1-world PANtheistic/mystic false-religion) rides until her fleshy-parts (her people themselves) are devoured/consumed/imbibed/absorbed by the 8th-king (& the rest of her old-framework is burned; Rev.17:16,18); AFTER which all "her fleshy-parts" become ‘upgraded humanity2.0’ in DIRECT unnatural COMMUNION/ONENESS with the beast itself; i.e. via TRANSHUMANIST BIODIGITAL BEASTIAL-CONVERGENCE*👉"the MARK of the beast"; compare 1Cor.6:16; Lev.18:23)⚠️
(The narrator in the video somewhat mixes up some details of the application of the biblical symbolism but nevertheless, it's still noteworthy.)