It’s been purposely done in England and America the two most powerful nations on earth has been flooded with drugs for to destroy and make money and gain power maybe a silent war between the king of the south and the king of the north remember China made the corona virus that destroyed the economy in America and the west …Russia is also being used to as an excuse to further destroy our economy along with the fake climate change’s been a massive orchestrated assault both on the younger gene... moreIt’s been purposely done in England and America the two most powerful nations on earth has been flooded with drugs for to destroy and make money and gain power maybe a silent war between the king of the south and the king of the north remember China made the corona virus that destroyed the economy in America and the west …Russia is also being used to as an excuse to further destroy our economy along with the fake climate change’s been a massive orchestrated assault both on the younger generation through drug warfare and the old and infirm by the corona virus and big pharma’s poisonous drugs ..not by bombs or bullets because the elite don’t want to destroy the worlds infrastructure ..or pollute the earth with nuclear bombs because they would have to live under ground for along time because of the pollution from nuclear bombs … we have been under assault since the end of the Second World War attacking us with silent weapons as I said the big pharma has also been used to poison the people they wanted the whole world on statins ..the food industry has also been used as a weapon to poison weaken us too also weather has been weaponised …to me the third world war started straight after the Second World War …the world
has been asleep to what’s going even most of the witnesses..
I think the powers that be conned us into thinking there was peace after World War Two but really there was no peace because they changed strategy into silent warfare on mankind …
Jeremiah 6:14
And they try to heal the breakdown of my people lightly, saying, ‘There is peace! There is peace!’ When there is no peace.
Very true and if they want to they can just use an EMP attack gets the job done much quicker and can disable an entire nation bringing it to its knees.