AdminAgain we see a miss application of scripture, only using part of the context in which they try to show Jehovah's shepherds in good light.
The reason they give for Jehovah searching for his sheep in Ezekiel 34 is supposedly because they have strayed on their own accord from the congregation, when this is untrue. It shows that because of harshness, greed and tyrannical behaviour they drove them out, they won't be returning because Jehovah himself through his son will take care of them. It also sh... moreAgain we see a miss application of scripture, only using part of the context in which they try to show Jehovah's shepherds in good light.
The reason they give for Jehovah searching for his sheep in Ezekiel 34 is supposedly because they have strayed on their own accord from the congregation, when this is untrue. It shows that because of harshness, greed and tyrannical behaviour they drove them out, they won't be returning because Jehovah himself through his son will take care of them. It also shows that the judgement begins from within starting with the fat sheep. And the reason why Jesus becomes their shepherd is because they follow the Lamb where ever he goes despite the harshness they have endured. I encourage you brothers to read the entire chapter for yourselves.
It's says the following at
Ezekiel 34:4
"You have NOT strengthened the weak or healed the sick or bandaged the injured or brought back the strays or looked for the lost; rather, you have ruled them with harshness and tyranny. 5 So they were scattered because there was NO shepherd; they were scattered and became food for every wild beast of the field"
Ezekiel 34:21
"for with your flank and shoulder YOU KEPT PUSHING, and with your horns you kept SHOVING all the SICK ONES until YOU had scattered them abroad. 22 And I will save my sheep, and they will no longer become something to prey upon; and I will JUDGE between a sheep and a sheep. 23 I will raise up one shepherd over them, my servant David, and he will feed them. He himself will feed them and BECOME THEIR SHEPHERD"