Has anyone else noticed this incredible SEQUENTIAL correspondence?
↓SEALS (Rev.6,7,8) : (Rev.2 & 3) LETTER to↓
1️⃣ Antichrist(s) / false-prophets : Ephesus
2️⃣ War / violence / persecution : Smyrna
3️⃣ Famine/IDOLatrous-food™️!!!: Pergamum
4️⃣ Pestilence↩️Great-Tribulation: Thyatira
5️⃣ White robes for martyrs/victors: Sardis
6️⃣ Sealed/Delivered, open door: Philadelphia
7️⃣ Chastisement unto repentance: Laodicea
It's AMAZING how the SEQUENTIAL themes of each of Jesus' letters to the 7 congregations in Revelation (chps 2-3) CONSECUTIVELY PARALLELS each of the 7 seals LOGISTICALLY (in chps 6-8…) which is undeniably a further confirmation of God's prophetic END-TIME-LINE‼️
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