Prophetic sequence matters & cannot be rearranged (per cause & effect, sowing & reaping).
Satan tends to REVERSE the sequence when he tries counterfeiting biblical signs (when he tries to instigate presumptions regarding prophesies being fulfilled before their appointed time, especially recently & over the past century+…):
recent pestilence—famine—war is the OPPOSITE SEQUENCE of Biblically prophetic 1️⃣war—2️⃣famine—3️⃣pestilence
Prophetic sequence matters & cannot be rearranged (per cause & effect, sowing & reaping, prerequisites & consequences…).
Satan tends to REVERSE the sequence when he tries counterfeiting biblical signs (when he tries to instigate presumptions regarding prophesies being fulfilled before their appointed time, especially recently & over the past century+…):
recent pestilence—famine—war is the OPPOSITE SEQUENCE of Biblically prophetic 1️⃣war—2️⃣famine—3️⃣pestilence
Prophetic sequence matters & cannot be rearranged in a different order to be true fulfillments (per cause & effect, sowing & reaping, prerequisites & consequences…).
Satan tends to REVERSE the sequence when he tries counterfeiting biblical signs (when he tries to instigate presumptions regarding prophesies being fulfilled before their appointed time, especially recently & over the past century+…):
recent pestilence—famine—war is the OPPOSITE SEQUENCE of Biblically prophetic 1️⃣war—2️⃣fa... more
Prophetic sequence matters & cannot be rearranged in a different order & still be true fulfillments (per cause & effect, sowing & reaping, prerequisites & consequences…).
Satan tends to REVERSE the sequence when he tries counterfeiting biblical signs (when he tries to instigate presumptions regarding prophesies being fulfilled before their appointed time, especially recently & over the past century+…):
recent pestilence—famine—war is the OPPOSITE SEQUENCE of Biblically prophetic 1️⃣war—... more
Prophetic sequence matters & cannot be rearranged in a different order & still be true fulfillments (per cause & effect, sowing & reaping, prerequisites & consequences…).
Satan tends to REVERSE the sequence when he tries counterfeiting biblical signs (when he tries to instigate presumptions regarding prophesies being fulfilled before their appointed time, especially recently & over the past century+…):
eg. recent pestilence—famine—war is the OPPOSITE SEQUENCE of Biblically prophetic 1️⃣war—2️... more