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The Clean and Unclean Animals in the Bible

It has been puzzling to some if the clean or unclean animals in the bible has to be taken spiritually or literally. I've heard some religious organizations who are taking it literally like the 7th Day Adventist. Do these animals physically have impact on our general health? The clean and unclean animals are mentioned in the bible at the book of Leviticus chapter 11.
Let's look on pig's meat or pork, there might be reasons why the bible mentioned pork as an unclean meat. The Bible warns the Hebrews about unclean foods and the rationale for the uncleanliness. Pigs are dirty animals that ruthlessly scavenge anything they come into contact with on the farm. Not only are they known to consume food scraps, insects and their own feces, but they will also cannibalistically eat their own dead carcasses. They have been known to kill and eat their young at times as well.

Due to their scavenger lifestyle, they harbor enormous amounts of viruses and parasites. Pigs are known to be primary carriers of the following pathogenic organisms, which can create very serious health problems:

  • Taenia solium tapeworm
  • PRRS (Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome)
  • Nipah virus
  • Menangle virus
  • Hepatitis E virus (HEV)

A Consumer Reports investigation found that 69% of all raw pork samples tested were contaminated with high amounts of volatile microorganisms such as Yersinia enterocolitica. This bacteria causes fever and gastrointestinal stress and could potentially cause a fatal infection. Besides, pork is the main culprit in high levels of cholesterol and fat which leads to obesity, stroke and heart attack.
Some fishes also have scavenger lifestyle and they are the cleaners of the sea. Unsurprisingly, these kinds of fish have no fins and scales!
On the other hand, eating grass-fed unprocessed meat like beef and lamb have lots of health benefits. Following are among the benefits of beef and lamb:
  • naturally rich in protein*, which helps muscle growth and supports muscle mass
  • provides iron and four essential vitamins - niacin, riboflavin, vitamins B6 and B12 which help reduce tiredness and fatigue
  • provides eight essential vitamins and minerals that support good health and well-being
  • rich source of zinc, which supports normal hair, nails and skin. inc also supports normal cognitive function, fertility and reproduction and also contributes to the maintenance of normal testosterone levels in the blood.
  • source of iron which helps the immune system to work
All the other unclean foods in the bible could have some ingredients that may affect our behavior, attitudes or earthy desires.. who knows..
Posted in Default Category on July 04 2022 at 01:50 AM

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