I recently read this on Instagram...
American Indians were hated by the Federal government because....they wouldn't pay taxes....they didn't need roads...they didn't need hospitals...they didn't need schools...grocery deliveries....they were completely self sufficient and there was nothing they did that warranted being taxed, so you know who became public enemy #1 don't you??
I will see if I can find the article and post it on here...
I recently watched this on Instagram...
American Indians were hated by the Federal government because....they wouldn't pay taxes....they didn't need roads...they didn't need hospitals...they didn't need schools...money....they were completely self sufficient and there was nothing they did that warranted being taxed, so you know who became public enemy #1 don't you??
I'll see if I can find the article and post it on here...
Thankfully I forwarded it to my son...
https://www.instagram.com/reel/... more
Added a link.